Monday, September 19, 2011



Anonymous abi said...
Nice one! Lotsa good info here :)
7:20 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just don't understand why we have a pea size brain as DPM!
7:23 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's a shame that I-am-a-Malay-first man who is our DPM and will be (God forbid) doesn't know history but talk through his stupid, hollow, and empty pea-sized brain. Calling a person unpatriotic without even checking the validity of the historical fact in truky disgracing and unreflective of him a DPM.
8:07 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Friend is it King GeorgeIV OR VI CONFUSED
8:29 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is a good one and enlightening. Yes, correct it is King George VI, the one who appeared on the 10 cent coins.
8:53 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Blogger Hansley Arnaz Hawana said...
Well, what do you expect from a stupid UMNO minister. To them whatever was brought by their colonial master is good enough. They don't have enough brain to think and change a few things on their own. There's only one thing we ought to do now ... get rid of UMNO/BN. Only then we can a nation without our colonial influences.
9:10 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Padan muka kau! position dpm but talk like retard.
10:22 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
KTemoc, don't be stupid and forget to add that the EIC borrowed and modified the design from the Majapahit flag ( Red and white stripes are common to the flags of countries in this region - just look at Singapore's, Indonesia's and Thailand's. So why is it necessary to change ours? So that we can spend/waste more money republishing official letterheads, producing new flags, and etc? Look no one is upset at calling for its redesign. It's the timing of the a55hole's call for change. It was deliberately done on Malaysia Day and was replaced with a stupid rocket flag (as if a "d1ck" was the more acceptable identity). Plus all the criticism on Facebook - was it necessary? Just call for change lah...
11:50 AM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nothing is permanent in this world except God and His Hell and Heaven. Someone proposed that the malaysian flag be changed to reflect more of our national identity. What's the big deal and why the brouhaha? If you agree just change it and if you don't, then that's the end of the matter. Only stupid malay Umno idiots will call people treacherous just because he mooted the idea of a change of the flag. To me the flag is akin to the color of your house. If you don't like it just change it to a better color which is palatable to the taste and sight.
12:00 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Blogger Kucingkepong said...
Lots of info but not enough. Ktemoc didnt mentioned that Majapahit and most of nation states in this region prior to WW2 uses stripes of red and whites. Manoharan said Jalur Gemilang is a copy of US flags. and looks more BN than Malaysia. And he proposed for a change. Let us not forget most of Malay states prior to formation of modern countries, ie Indonesia and Malaysia shares common traits. No problem a prposing to change the flag, however the basis of why of changing the flag is not rite. Manoharan was a stupid as the DPM. I believe Manoharan is having a bigger concern than changing the national flag. He got an issue of possiblity of DAP not fielding him as a candidate for the next GE. Possibility of him aligning with HINDRAF. But DAP still needs him to balance the Indian - Chinese balance of power in DAP. Furthermore any publicity is a good publicity. I am not sure if King George V approved it. If so, I think its fair for us to know where is the source.
12:27 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Muhyiddin Yasin = Minister of Education He should get himself educated first. Yo Mr Moo-Moo, there's this thing called Wikipedia in case you don't know! LOL!
12:45 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous bennyloh said...
12:52 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Blogger KTemoc said...
manoharan was incorrect to say the JG looks like the BN flag, but his call for change to JG shouldn't be politically demonized by muhyiddin. This is the problem with UMNO and to an extent, some PKR core members, where any proposal by the other side would be deliberately demonized. Just treat such proposals on their own merits and don't automatically, with knee-jerk reaction, condemn them. incidentally, the oldest "state" flag (dating back to the 13th centuury) is that of Denmark, so the claim that the Mahapahit Empire had red and white stripes as its "state" flag may not be correct; yes, it may be possible such flags were flown by Majapahit soldiers but not necessarily as a "state" flag - likewise with ancient and medieval China where flags were flown by armies and royalty galore but I doubt as "state" flags
1:32 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous aniktnf said...
2:44 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Blogger amoker said...
14 equal horizontal stripes of red (top) alternating with white (bottom); there is a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing a yellow crescent and a yellow 14-pointed star; the flag is often referred to as Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory); the 14 stripes stand for the equal status in the federation of the 13 member states and the federal government; the 14 points on the star represent the unity between these entities; the crescent is a traditional symbol of Islam; blue symbolizes the unity of the Malay people and yellow is the royal color of Malay rulers note: the design is based on the flag of the US
3:02 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
KTemoc, Nobody cares about DPM. Anyone in his shoes, including you, would take a swipe at the opposition. Remember the moral story of the scorpion and the frog? It's the nature of the politicians and yet so many stupid Malaysians call it out like they are so surprised or so disappointed - BODOH punya olang. Like I was saying earlier, if your intentions were noble to propose for change, go ahead, but do it nicely and justify without having the need to vilify. Politically condemning the previous flag is all I heard this a55hole shout on his FB. Not only that the a55hole MM, circulated pictures of "d1cks" as the replacing identity. How not to be pissed off at this fella? I have high hopes of the opposition being better reps and statesmen, and being more concerned about the welfare of the people and yet again I'm frustrated by these useless idiots talking about communist heroes and flags... none of which will improve our daily lives.
4:48 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
KTemoc, And if my previous posting doesn't resonate with people because I asked our reps to be nicer, better people, then think about this. Try to find out how much it cost Petronas to amend it's logo just because some minister said it looked more like the PAS logo. I hear it was close to half a billion ringgit. Now try to amplify that amount of money to what we would need to spend to replace materials so that we exhibit the new flag country wide. Is the economy so great and positive right now for us to use TAX payer money? Think properly... Jangan allow idiots in the opposition cari peluang sia2 kan duit. Belum ada kuasa lagi...
5:02 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
nice write-up. i think it's time to revisit the founding of this nation, after 54 or 48 years of establishment. I gues if a Malay suggested to change the flag, not much noise, but alas an Indian did. But dont put the number 1 on the new flag pleeeeeeese
5:14 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Both Manoharan and Muhyiddin are being exceedingly stupid over this issue. Hokkien say "Eat too full"
5:26 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Anonymous patrick said...
Good stuff!As far as the pseudo ethnic warrior is concerned,he's as thick as he looks!National heritage? Yeah right,just like UMNO is,he would have us believe.Bunkum!jactfor
5:53 PM, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011

Comments regarding our unoriginal National Flag [Jalur Gemilang]

National heritage?

Really, any commonsense understanding would tell us that a national flag, while a symbol of national identity, pride and belonging, is not exempt from changes, as shown by a number of countries.

For example, Canada has made one of the most improved changes to national flags to enhance its Canadian identity – see below and understand how the maple leaf design stands out remarkably and uniquely as Canadian, making the Canadian flag renowned as one of the best flag designs – a design which came about through deliberate change.

written by ibabonma, September 19, 2011 10:53:42 written by arazak, September 19, 2011 17:00:42 
Our flag looks similar to that of the US from the distance. Each time when our soldiers or reporters go for international missions they got shot and all because the other parties thought that we are Americans. High time to change our national flag.
written by educationist, September 19, 2011 08:02:39 
Ha, ha, ha.. ., not only the flag was "chiplaked" from the British East India Company but it needs the approval of the "orang Putih" King.

So why the fcuk did the professor Kangkong Zainal Keling and Professor Kangkong Khoo Kay Kim said Bolehland was never colonized?
Let those pseudo historians Zainal Kling & that Khoo chap dispute whether indeed had our Malaysian flag been approved by King George the vi?
If so, how can Malaya not be categorised as a colony of Britain?



dari tahun 1905 -1920 ini bendera tanah melayu
lihat wujudnya motif merah dan puteh
ini warisan kita
bukan jalur gemilang

malah nama jalur gemilang itu
tak sampai lima tahun
nama bendera kita sang saka
telah beribu tahun

siapa yang mempertahankan warisan!


Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kota Alam Shah, M. Manoharan disifatkan sebagai rabun kerana tidak dapat membezakan antara Jalur Gemilang dengan bendera Amerika Syarikat (AS).

Adnan Yaakob berkata, kedua-dua bendera tersebut tidak mempunyai persamaan langsung dan kenyataan pemimpin DAP lebih kepada politik.

Jelasnya, Jalur Gemilang mempunyai satu bintang dan bulan sabit, manakala bendera AS pula memiliki banyak bintang yang langsung tidak menyamai bendera kebangsaan negara ini.

“Takkan tidak tahu beza bendera Malaysia dengan bendera AS. Mungkin beliau rabun sehingga sanggup mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegitu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis Rumah Terbuka Dewan Undangan Pelangai di sini, semalam.

Beliau diminta mengulas kenyataan Manoharan yang menegaskan bahawa pembangkang akan bertindak menukar Jalur Gemilang jika memperoleh kuasa dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Katanya, kebanyakan negara di dunia ini memiliki warna bendera yang hampir sama dengan Jalur Gemilang serta bendera AS dan tidak sepatutnya pemimpin itu mengeluarkan kenyataan tersebut.



kah kah kah... MALAON DARI PAHANG INI TAK FAHAM.... kah kah kah..



woit..BUKAN SAMA ATAU TAK SAMA...kah kahb kah

kah kah kah..FAHAM TAK APA MAKNA DICIPLAK?..... kah kah kah..




kah kah kah..INI DARI ZAMAN SRI VIJAYA LAGI...kah kah kah...


kah kah kah.... MEREKA MEMILIKI MOTIF WARNA YANG SAMA... .... kah kah kah..


lagu negara ku juga akan diubah
ini kerna lagu negara ku ini di ciplak
dari lagu terang bulan yang diciplak dari memula mooon

hal lagu negara ku ini tak ada gerombolan berani
bersuara !
kah kah kah
kah kah kah
kah kah kah


Friday, July 29, 2011


Squirrel In My Trees Testimonials

I Look Forward to a Sweet Peach This Summer
Last year, the squirrels picked my peach tree until it was empty. The fruit hardly had a chance to mature. However, with the use of the "Fox Urine Granules", the squirrels have completely left the tree alone. My fruit is maturing nicely. I look forward to a sweet peach this summer. Thank you for solving our problem. Within one week, it worked like a charm. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Michelle Weiss - Sherman Oaks, CA
Thanks So Much for a Rapid Solution
I have been having problems with squirrels taking all of my bird feed for years. I tried all kinds of remedies, including various shaped baffles, and nothing worked. After watching my feeder I saw a squirrel approach the feeder, smell theShake-Away bag, and quickly retreat. Since this has happened more than once, I'm convinced!
Kent Moshier - Mustic, CT
My Bird Feeder & I Thank You
Squirrels are a never-ending problem in our community. Since I applied your products, they seem to have "moved on". Both my bird feeder and I thank you.
Robert L. Vollmer - Spring Hill, FL
We live close to a nature preserve, and we enjoy the assortment of birds that come and feed in our yard. Of course, with the woods and the bird feed come the squirrels. We bought squirrel guards and anti-squirrel feeders. However, the squirrels came anyway to eat the spillage from the feeder. Then we found squirrels were climbing on the house to get nuts from the gutters. Next thing, the "tree-rats" were in the attic. That was enough. I bought your fox urine granules and placed it in the attic, hanging in nylons from the rafters. I sprinkled some under the bird feeder too. The squirrels wouldn't go near the feeder. They acted as if a cat was under the feeder. Amazing.
Thomas Wilson - Douglasville, GA
What Squirrels?
Squirrels? What Squirrels? Two weeks after I started using your Small Critter Granules, there were no more squirrels around my bird feeders. They roamed the rest of the yard, but they stayed away from the feeders. Thanks!
Eugene g. Curtis - Shokan, NY
Problems with Squirrels & Raccoons
We had problems with squirrels raiding the bird feeders. We hung the fox granules bags right next to the feeders & at first it didn't affect the squirrels at all. Then we sprinkled the granules all around the base & that slowed them up a bit. Then about 4 days into the project the squirrel climbed to the feeder & nervously twitched his tail awhile 7 took off never to return. We left the feeders out all night for a few nights with no problems. Victory! Wrong! One morning we find an empty bird feeder on the ground. Its "raiding raccoons" then we used Shake Away Deer & Raccoons Repellant & it appears to be working.
James Diefenderfer - Missoula, MT
A Last-Ditch Effort
With three bird feeders in our backyard, we have honestly tried just about every method to keep the squirrels away. Special feeders, hot granules, and other squirrel feeders were used to no avail. As a last-ditch effort, we decided to tryShake-Away. To my amazement, the squirrels stayed away. Actually, one determined squirrel jumped on the feeder despite the two bags we had hanging - and I thought we were foiled again. But after another sniff he jumped right back off. Amazing!! We now hang two packets of Shake-Away on each feeder and the birds couldn't thank us more. Thanks for making a product that finally works.
Kerry T. Slane - Chesapeake, VA
The Squirrels Only Watch From a Distance
For years, I have battled squirrels, trying to keep them off of my bird feeder. I've purchased different typed of "squirrel Proof" bird feeders, but nothing stopped those squirrels. Recently, through the internet, I discovered Shake-Away for Small Critters. So far, so good. Now I can look out my window and enjoy seeing a variety of birds in my backyard. The squirrels only watch from a distance.
Robert Venturino - Cranston, RI
Fox Granules Packs Was the Only Thing That Worked
The only thing that ever worked was fox granules packs. I had tried everything to keep the squirrels out of my bird feeders, I even bought an expensive metal squirrel-proof feeder but guess what, the squirrels are familiar with them - they crawled out on a high deck with an iron hook hanging over a 40 foot drop and onto the top of the feeder - balanced and reached down over the top to the pedal and shook all the feed out onto the ground!
Jan Kerr - Hot Springs Village, AR


Squirrels In my Garden/Flowerbed Testimonials

After 2 Weeks Our Garden Grew Back
We had squirrels, cats' raccoons, skunks, chipmunks and fox. Every day our strawberries disappeared and huge bites were taken out of our tomatoes. We bought the Cat Granules - it was all-inclusive over the groups of animals' consumings. After 2 weeks of using Shake-Away, our gardens grew back. Now, a whole month later, we wish we knew about Shake-Away last spring. It's great!
Ann Marie Ducey - Dedham, MA
We Wanted a Non-Lethal Method
All spring we were plagued with squirrels and chipmunks digging u our gardens. We were finally fed up, but wanted a non-lethal method of getting rid of our pest problem. In just a few weeks of regular application of Shake-Away Small Critter Granules the damage in our garden is non existent. We rarely see squirrels on our property anymore and there is no more damage to our garden. We even got the family of squirrels living in a hollow tree in our yard to move out. Great product!
Keith Cleary - Yorktown Heights, NY
Thanks for Providing a Product That Actually Works!
Last year I had a terrible problem with squirrels digging up my newly planted flowers. I tried quite a few things but nothing worked. I put down Shake-Away almost 2 weeks ago and haven't seen a squirrel on my property since! Thanks for providing a product that actually works!
Joanne Demarest - Holbrook, NY
Shake-Away Worked in Just One Day!
Thank you so much for Shake-Away! Squirrels were destroying my gardens. They were digging out my plants and emptying the flowerpots. I worked so hard on. Everyday that I came home, my plants and dirt were all over the place. I sprinkled Shake-Away around, and already by the next day, there were no new holes. Shake-Away worked in just one day!
Ellen Iaffaldano - Floral Park, NY
Best of all it's Safe
My problem had to do with squirrels digging up my plants in the garden and in front of my house. Every day I would come home from work to find dirt dug out of my potted plants on my front steps. I decided to try Shake-Away after giving up on moth balls and other so called squirrel repellents. The digging stopped after the first application and hasn't happened again since. I decided to sprinkle Shake-Away around the trees on my property where the squirrels have nests. One early morning after applying the Shake-Away, I saw a squirrel coming down the tree; I was amazed at what happened next. The squirrel got down to the ground and stopped. It started smelling around the area where I applied the Shake-Away. A minute later it took off and I haven't seen it since. Shake-Away works great for me, and best of all its safe. Thank you Shake-Away!
Michael Soyka - Colonia, NJ
Now My Neighbors Want Some Too
Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels! Our neighborhood is full of them. We have a neighbor that feeds them peanuts. Spending hundreds of dollars on flowers, only to find them dug out by the roots. I was bound and determined to get rid of them. I tried anything anybody told me to try. I tried blood meal, moth balls and even human hair! Still no luck and a lot of frustration, my daughter found your product on the internet. I was, "well what do I have to lose". Remarkable! I put it out and I watch them sniff around and run away. Thank you Shake Away! Now my neighbors want some too. You now have a loyal customer. Thanks again.
Bonnie Broder - Sheboyan, WI
It Is My Salvation
Last summer I was having a problem with a squirrel coming up on my third floor deck and eating tomatoes and scratching up dirt from potted plants. A friend told me about fox urine products, so I bought Shake-Away at a hardware store and started putting it out around the deck and railings. I never saw a squirrel up there for the rest of that summer. I saw a squirrel out there again this summer and immediately started searching for Shake-Away and finally ordered it on line. It is my Salvation.
Maureen Murphy - S Boston, MA
It is without a Doubt the Best Solution on the Market
I have used 2 of your products with smashing success!! We had rats invade our deck; it sits in the backyard and surrounds our hot tub. A family moved in under the deck. We have a dog and 1 year old so poison was no solution. I put your product out for 1 week and have never seen a rat since. We also had squirrels eating our strawberries, same result within a week bye, bye squirrels!! I just got my friend some Small Critter Shake-Away and another friend Large Animal Shake Away as they are having raccoon trouble! I recommend your product to everyone; it is without a doubt the best solution on the market!! (It makes a great gift!)
Amy Zehren - Chicago, IL
We Are Impressed with the Quality & Effectiveness
We live in a first floor apartment and have a fearless squirrel that loves to dig holes in my flower boxes on my balcony. We tried the fox urine repellent because its cruelty free and organic, both of which are important to us. We are impressed with the quality and effectiveness of this product and highly recommend it to anyone who will listen as long as I apply it regularly according to the directions, my fearless squirrel stays away.
Laura West - Alameda, Ca
No Bulbs Have Been Dug Up and My Seeds are Undisturbed
For the past two years each time I planted bulbs or seeds such as beets or cucumber seeds in my garden he next morning I would go out and find the bulbs dug up and partially chewed or the seeds dug up. I can only assume this was done by the squirrels which are all over the neighborhood. Since I have spread Shake-Away around the edge of my vegetable garden and flower garden and also in a circle around the tree where I suspect the squirrels were nesting, I have had no bulbs dug up and all my seeds have not been disturbed.
John C. Billiard - Bethlehem, PA
I Took a Chance and Won Big!
I would like to thank you very much for helping me save my flowers. I spent 2 long days planting various flowers in my flower beds. Just as they began to bloom, to my surprise all of my pretty flowers started to vanish. At first I thought maybe some of the neighborhood kids were picking them. Then I caught the varmint in action. It was a dreaded ground squirrel. I was desperate so I got online and found your web-site. Took a chance and won big! Not a flower missing since I used small critter granules. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Cheri Hill - Quartz Hill - CA
I Had Much Skepticism
I planted strawberries this spring as well as my usual vegetable garden. I have problems with woodchucks and squirrels. They dig up the strawberries and like to munch on my vegetable garden. I decided to try Shake-Away. I had much skepticism but after a week I noticed the critters were not coming around. Thanks to Shake-Away, I can look forward to great fruits and vegetables. Thank you!
Ed Mauriello - Wakefield, MA
The Squirrels Were Driving My Wife Crazy
The squirrels were driving my wife crazy. I thought they were cute. But I didn't realize that them critters were digging up plant bulbs, & breaking her prize plants. I'd see her running around the yard shooing them away. It was funny! My usually reserved wife was beside herself with anger. I bought those squirrel-away bags which didn't work. Just wasted money. I have since found Shake-Away and no more squirrel problems. Thanks.
Jose A. Cintron - Bayside, NY
I was near Tears Each Evening
Squirrels were eating my tulips (actually, just biting off the flower and leaving a lonely stick standing.) These were a stunning new variety of flowers I bought at white flower farms last year. The colors were so spectacular, I was near tears each evening to come home and find some of their little heads chopped off. That's what I wanted to do to the squirrels. I ordered Shake-Away and it worked! I am very glad because I guess I would have been arrested if I started decapitating squirrels.
Mary Holihan - Neptune, NJ
The Squirrel Jumped out as fast as it jumped in
We have a large squirrel & rabbit population in the area where we live. We even had a litter of rabbits born under our front porch. I had tried other products with very poor results. I was reluctant to purchase the fox urine granules since nothing else had worked, but I am very glad I did. I sprinkle the granules around my garden & flower beds twice a week! I have definitely noticed a huge improvement. None of my flowers have been touched by the rabbits since I started using the granules I even watched a squirrel jump into a flower pot & jumped out just as fast as it jumped in. I have told my neighbors about it & I will definitely be ordering more.
Deb Marshall - Minot, ND
We Caught the Culprit Red Handed
We were really looking forward to the first red juicy tomato from our garden, but each time we'd spot one that was "almost ready" to pick, it would be gone the next day! We were also finding husked corn cobs on the stalks. Finally we caught the culprit red handed, it was a squirrel! Pepper spray & dish soap didn't seem to stop them neither did our golden retriever we sent to patrol the garden. The day after we sprinkled the Critter-Granules around the garden fence - no more squirrels! Granules around the garden fence - no more squirrels! Now we get to enjoy our tomatoes but still wonder how a city squirrel knows to be afraid of foxes.
Harold Jones - Cherry Hill, NJ
I Am Really Pleased
Yes The Shake-Away does work, I had tried so many different repellents for squirrels and more and more began to come into my gardens and back yard. I used the Shake-Away the next day it was less squirrel in the garden after five days I only seen one and that was one I hadn't seen before. I am really pleased with the Shake-Away, I will tell friends and neighbors about this Shake-Away. Thank you, Thank you.
Lee Banks - Frsno, CA
We Have Virtually Eliminated Them
We have dozens of squirrels where we live. We have been unsuccessful on keeping them away from our flowers. WithShake-Away we have virtually eliminated them being in our yard. In Florida we have very heavy rains. The Shake-Awaydoes not last very long. Suggestion: Have you ever considered putting the repellent in a protective (from the rain) housing like a "Roach Hotel"?
Janet Paroline - Sanford, FL
I Highly Recommend Your Product
Each year I put flowers and vegetables in my small patio garden and every year I had been losing at least 1/3 my yield. Last summer I ordered Shake-Away and have been using it continually not only does it keep the squirrels away (saving my garden) but I can also rest assure it is not harmful to the squirrels or my plants "great product". I highly recommend your product.
Catherine A. Deleo - Haledon, NJ
It Is a Pleasure to See Them Run
I had a big problem with squirrels. They went in my flowerbed and did a lot of damage. I could not grow any tulips because the squirrels had a feast and a good time in my garden. A friend told me to try Shake-Away. It is a pleasure to see them run. I am very pleased to use it and I told my neighbor also to try it.
Brigitte A. Eglick - Southampton, PA
I Am Very Pleased With the Results Thus Far
I was having a problem with squirrels. They were getting into my flower boxes and garden. I have been using Shake-Away for about two weeks and have not seen a squirrel anywhere near my flower boxes or garden. I am very pleased with the results thus far. I am recommending it to my co-workers who are having the same problems.
Karen Felder - Bronx, NY
Now We Can Have Our Dream
My husband and I bought our first house 2 1/2 years ago. It was my dream to plant flowers all along the walkway and my husband's dream to have a big vegetable garden. The first year something was eating our tomatoes. The little critters would take one bite and leave the rest to rot in the driveway. We didn't know what the culprit was until my husband witnessed a squirrel munching away at his vegetables. This year I planted marigolds, I found out soon enough that squirrels like to eat the heads of my marigolds. But now, thanks to Shake-Away, I have my flowers and my husband has his vegetables.
Heidi B. Parker - Evergreen Park, IL
Squirrel's like Pumpkins
Squirrel's eating my children's pumpkins has become a major problem until we purchased Shake-Away. It works! The squirrels have stopped eating. It was very easy to use - just spread it out around the pumpkin patch and away go the squirrels! Our kids were so disappointed; after 2 months of raring for the pumpkins to see them eaten by the squirrels was heart breaking. Now they are excited again with new growths and fresh pumpkins. Please let your customers with pumpkins know that Shake-Away really works!
Gene Feroglia - Los Altos, CA
I Have Home Grown Tomatoes Free From Pesticides
I have a vegetable garden with tomato trees. I was having a problem with squirrels getting into our gated area and eating the tomatoes. Not wanting to have harmful pesticides, I chose to go with Shake-Away Small Critter Granules. After about 2-3 weeks, which the directions specify, I had no more problems with any squirrels. I can now enjoy my pesticide - free home grown tomatoes without any worries. Thank you Shake-Away!
Jillian Montes De Oca - St. Louis, MO